Monday, December 30, 2019

Camping At The Great Outdoors - 896 Words

Each year, thousands of people throughout the United States choose to spend their vacations camping in the great outdoors. Depending on an individual s sense of adventure, there are various types of camping to choose from, including log cabin camping, recreational vehicle camping, and tent camping. Of these, tent camping involves roughing it the most, and with proper planning the experience can be gratifying. Even with the best planning, however, tent camping can be an extremely frustrating experience due to uncontrolled factors such as bad weather, wildlife encounters, and equipment failures. Nothing can dampen the excited anticipation of camping more than a dark, rainy day. Even the most adventurous campers can lose some of†¦show more content†¦It is wise to check the weather forecast before embarking on camping trips; however, mother nature is often unpredictable and there is no guarantee bad weather will be eluded. Another problem likely to be faced during a camping trip is run-ins with wildlife, which can range from mildly annoying to dangerous. Minor inconveniences include mosquitos and ants. The swarming of mosquitos can literally drive annoyed campers indoors. If an effective repellant is not used, the camper can spend an interminable night scratching, which will only worsen the itch. Ants do not usually attack campers, but keeping them out of the food can be quite an inconvenience. Extreme care must be taken not to leave food out before or after meals. If food is stored inside the tent, the tent must never be left open. In addition to swarming the food, ants inside a tent can crawl into sleeping bags and clothing. Although these insects cause minor discomfort, some wildlife encounters are potentially dangerous. There are many poisonous snakes in the United States, such as the water moccasin and the diamond-back rattlesnake. When hiking in the woods, the camper must be careful where he steps. Also, the tent must never be left open. Snakes, searching for either shade from the sun or shelter from the rain, can enter a tent. An encounter between an unwary camper and a surprised snake can prove to be fatal. Run-ins can range from unpleasant to dangerous,

Sunday, December 22, 2019

I Had A Math Teacher - 957 Words

Diana, a student in Fires in the Bathroom talks about the need for teachers to push students. â€Å"I had a math teacher who was always on your case ‘write out the problem, turn in your work, you can do it’ I didn’t like the way he pushed me. But later I thought he was a good teacher- the little things, like ‘make sure you don’t forget to write it all out’ - those are the things you need to remember† I agree with her that these are the thing that students always need someone to push them. Encourage them to work hard at all times producing high quality work because often the little details are the ones that make really help to achieve mastery and are very important. I also enjoyed this comment when it is paired with her second comment â€Å" I have a teacher who pushes the ‘good students’ a lot more than the not-so-good students. Like when a straight-A student doesn’t do the work, he’ll give that person a lectu re, but when a lower grade student doesn’t do the work, he’ll just give up, like he didn’t expect it anyway.† I think that teachers should expect the same achievement from all their students. Studies such as the experiment performed by Robert Rosenthal. Which when discussed in the NPR article â€Å"Teachers Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform† highlights how when teachers are made to believe that students will achieve more than usually they do achieve more. This is true weather they began as high skilled or low skilled students. This result should causes educators toShow MoreRelatedTeaching Mathematics Essay example914 Words   |  4 Pageswhether or not the childs math experience is negative or positive. 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Low income families who were almost all firstRead MoreA Resource Math Class At A Middle School For This Field Project897 Words   |  4 PagesI choose to do an onsite visit in a resource math class at a middle school for this field project. I was there from 9: 30-1:00. The classroom I observed had 2-3 teachers in it at a time. One student teacher, one head teacher and sometimes a teacher that had to help a specific student would be in the classroom. There were about 15 students in the class at a time. Two of which had to have teachers who followed them to every class. I asked the head teacher how many of these students have a learningRead MoreMy Favorite Science Memories From Elementary School1486 Words   |  6 PagesI have always known that STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math, but I have never thought about what it means to me. Even if you do not pursue a career in STEM, you are still around it everyday. 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Students are able to learn to work with logic puzzles andRead MoreGraduation Speech : Literature Review1648 Words   |  7 Pagesthe beginning of the year, my students and I got through the highly anticipated first few days of school full of expectations, community builders, and fun, when I quickly learned I had a classroom of â€Å"math haters.† When I surveyed my class, I found out the majority of my students thought math was boring and hard, and there was a strong dislike of math. While I collected my own data on them as well, via grades and watching how they worked, I realized I had students who excel greatly in mathematicsRead MoreImportance Of Mathematics For Teaching By Ball, Hill Bass, And Bass817 Words   |  4 PagesI had many reflections—as a student, teacher, and educator—after reading the article, â€Å"Knowing Mathematics for Teaching† by Ball, Hill-Bass, and Bass (2005). Ball and her colleagues (2005) discuss the issue that there are ma ny different schools of thoughts and practices about the way teachers should be prepared and supported to teach mathematics in classrooms. On the one hand, teachers are asked to take additional math content classes, attend teaching- practice and new curriculum workshops. OnRead MoreStudents Out Of 27 Are Supported With An Individual Education Plan ( Iep ) Essay1407 Words   |  6 PagesLearning disability. The teacher that I observed was the classroom teacher to all 27 of the students in her classroom. Introduction I have worked with many special needs children in my years as a camp counsellor. Having this opportunity to observe a classroom with a variety of special needs children allowed me to see what I need to incorporate to make my classroom to accessible for everyone. Here is what I learned during my observation. Description The classroom that I observed for my specialRead MoreMentoring : Mentoring And Leadership1021 Words   |  5 Pagesmy initial National Board Certification, I clearly see that the mentoring roles I have been a part of have been the most rewarding. Mentoring has enabled me to collaborate with others new to the profession as well as with veteran teachers in the classroom. Through this collaboration in a variety of settings, I have been able to improve the effectiveness of my teaching practices which in turn has had a positive impact on my students. A study from Teacher Collaboration in Instructional Teams andRead MoreNarrative Essay About My Math Class831 Words   |  4 PagesIn my early years of school, I had never taken much of a liking to math. The teachers werent very likeable, the classes were rather boring, and the material could be very difficult, not only to learn and comprehend, but to recall when it was time to take the big tests that were worth huge amounts of my grade. Despite this, I did relatively well in my math classes. Of course, just because I was doing well didnt mean I enjoyed the classes, and math quickly became my most disliked subject. This

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Rationality of the research Free Essays

Tourism is one of the largest industries in UK, apart from generating employment both directly and indirectly to large number of people; it is also a source of foreign exchanges for UK government. The net worth of  Ã‚   tourism is approximately  £63.83 billion and it employs more than 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Rationality of the research or any similar topic only for you Order Now 5 million people about 7 percent of all employment in restaurants, travel agencies museums, and pubs. Apart from being one the largest, tourism has also become number one online segment. The number of travelers who use the   internet for travel-related purposes have continued to increase daily. Latest data from Internet World Stats reveal that world’s internet users have reached approximately 1.17 billions with UK ranks 7th in the world with approximately 37.6 millions internet users.2 Therefore, with the increase in the numbers of travelers that book online, tourism has continued to experience booming in sales. People now book rooms, buy tickets and make hotel reservation online. Recent announcement from British Hospitality Association revealed that the UK Economy benefited from tourism in 2004 to the tune of  £81.5 billion. Thus web presence has now become an essential factor in the growth of tourism industry, therefore the use of website to search for necessary information has been on the increased tremendously. Nevertheless, the design of website is a key issue for the tourisms organization and it has become an indispensable tool in making revenue for many organizations. The information gathered from 2005 Market Report revealed the number of people engaging in electronic commerce in UK is increasing yearly.4 How to cite Rationality of the research, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Examine Concept of the Palliative Method †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Examine Concept of the Palliative Method? Answer: Introduction The ideas presented in this article examine the concept of the palliative method in inhabited aged concern at national and international level. The ideas presented in this paper aim at demonstrating synthesis of palliative approach with evidence regarding the application of the approach in policy and practice. The article focuses on showing different models of health service for aged persons that consists of models of wellness, case management, the user pay, along with active aging. Besides, ideas in this paper focus on demonstrating the clear understanding of contemporary issues of aged care from the position of political, legal, philosophical, and ethical (McGrath, 2013). The ideas in this presentation tend to discuss plans for improvement in the release of elderly care services while considering health professionals, patients, and their relatives. The use of palliative approach is designable in a manner that assists the residential aged sector in implementing the comprehensive and evidence-based approach to care for residents (Evan, 2013). Therefore, this paper examines how palliative approach expands the value of life among patients and their relatives that undergo the problems associated with life-intimidating illness within residential aged care. Palliative approach The palliative care approach in health care sector aims at improving the quality of among people with the life-limiting illness along with their families. The method achieves such functions by reducing the suffering of old people within the residential aged care through identification, evaluation, and cure of suffering, spiritual, social, along with psychological requirements (Mills Mills, 2016). Palliative care is useful for the elderly persons or other people within the society with a serious illness. These illnesses can comprise of heart disease, cancer, kidney, and lung disease. The approach is useful at any stage of these serious illnesses. The principal merit of the palliative method remains to be the idea that it leads to various benefits to aging people in the communities, the families of aging people, along with the facility team of residential aged care (Hamilton Menezes, 2011). The palliative approach aids in developing the excellence of patients lives with the life-warn ing sickness. The achievement of eradication of any form of suffering is appropriate through early identification of the defect, its treatment, and the pain assessment (Parker Clifton, 2014). The major disadvantage results because people can get different types of care at the same moment without focusing on the specific defect on health. The trained doctors, nurses, and other specialists are responsible for the provision of palliative care. In summary, palliative approach target at the achievement of the protection of end of life protection within residential. According to Fernando (2012), the residential facility provides care for the elderly persons by focusing on different practices that help in reducing the suffering among older adults. Care for End-of-life The care of ending of life is frequently evident in working daily practices in the health sector. Therefore, physicians are always in need to know that loss of life of an individual is unavoidable or several health conditions despite quality care and cure (Bates et al., 2014). For the optimal ending of life concern, the care providers must begin with the honest discussion of prognosis and progression of the disease. The caregivers need to coordinate the concern with equitable as well as the agenda in the hospital (McGrath, 2013). The advantage that results from the care is that it allows the fatally sick patients to gain the assistance of pain as well as some reductant symptoms. The benefit of attention helps in improving the value of life before they die (Hardy Currow, 2012). Therefore, end of life continues to be an essential factor that unluckily has become evident in the previous days. However, the disadvantage of care arises because the process of determination to attain the be st treatment together with an understanding of health conditions, modern medicines always become unsuccessful to understand the certainty of progression of disease in spite of the destructive administration of medical status (Wilkinson Fullerton, 2012). In summary, professionals for the provision of palliative care, continue to be the better factor than ever before to ameliorate symptoms brought about by the distress of end of life. Active aging model of care The palliative approach has grown over the past years. It has grown within significant reservation that provider of attention to the ending of life to be in the best position to help in addressing several sources of symptom distress in the society (McVey et al., 2013). The provision of care to the dying patients within the residential aged care can prove to be difficult. Several dimensions of suffering are accessible or even necessary malleable (Palliative Care in Neurological Disease A Team Approach, 2012). Comfort for these patients in the private place is often conveyable by the active presence of several types of affirmation, concern, and many actions of kindness. The palliative care shows that such features follow different concepts like purpose, meaning dignity, and spiritual well-being. The effective care for the aging persons in the inhabited for caring for the aged comprises of the mechanism leading to the provision of attention to patients and combining with the greatest o f current drug, and administration of skills of different symptoms that offer the best chance to realize the dignity-protecting care for ending of life. Palliative care tends to have several advantages in the provision of appropriate care for the aging population. As reported by Mills Mills (2016), the palliative approach provides the help from pain as well as other painful symptoms. It presents the system of support that aid aging sick persons live as aggressively as viable until their demise. The palliative approach also provides the support system that helps the families of the sick people to cope during the illness of their beloved ones and in their bereavement (Arendts et al., 2013). In conclusion, embracing the use and application of palliative approach among the community help in enhancing the value of life as it may manipulate the choice of illness. Palliative model for care The palliative care model for aging people helps in the provision of assist tp sick individuals with life-warning illnesses despite treatment. The model also addresses the care of palliative model desires of different persons who are sick and their relatives during the period of their course of illness (Mills Mills, 2016). The approach helps in the management of cases of disease by delivering care in the different setting like Hospital, palliative care unit, or residential care. Moreover, the model helps in the identification of partnership that exists among specialist soothing care and primary health givers. Gonzale Macho-Stadler (2013) records that several values underpin palliative care model within the residential aged care facilities. Some of these principles are the life-warning illness to be sensibly likely to lead to the demise of a sick person with the probable future. Active aging model of care like palliative approach operates on the principle that patient and family rem ains to be the unit of care given (Beck at al., 2012). Such policy tends to show that the illness of a person influences both the sick person and their relatives. Any form challenges underwent by the relatives turn normally has the effect on the health of a patient. According to Dember Gott (2016), a model of palliative care remains to be the range of disciplinary and it is an essential system of the health sector. An individual around the society with the life-warning sickness has the basic right provide care through soothing approach. For the well-being of an individual, there comprises of the strict process of evaluation, informed complete approval limits of care and process of making the judgment to improved care programs. The active aging model of attention plays different roles regarding wellbeing, care management, and user pays. Jane (2013) report that the standards of health management like palliative approach provides various systems, policies, and processes to be in place. Such ideas help in allowing the care providers along with case managers to have conversations concerning the demise at the time of permit of service with the user and their relatives (Chan et al., 2013). The model helps in clarifying the values and preferences by initiating the formal advance care planning processes. These procedures are necessary to improve operations of health care professionals within the residential aged care facilities (Sallnow et al., 2016). The ideas brought about in this aspect are disadvantageous because they also need the staff to advocate for them when communicating care direction and needs of their patients (McGrath, 2013). In summary, palliative care model also ensures that the core level of traini ng, as well as palliative approach to health care amongst every staff, consist of training in the capacity to recognize signs of imminent death. The model of operating aging approach results to a structure for practical along with holistic attention where the value of the life of a person and those who are about to lose their lives persist as the major concern among relatives. The palliative model in caring for the aged persons in most scenarios are deliverable through the health professionals employed to work in the society dealing with the provision of health care to dying persons (Hamilton Menezes, 2011). The stipulation of palliative attention models assists in the development of improved care at residential places that offers the best care for the people with health care issues. According Gakh (2015), weakening condition is visible on the possible trajectory along with expected demise. Program of providing additional equipment as well as facilities within the approach of palliative assists in caring for the dying patients in case there is the occurrence of different health issues (Jane, 2013). Evan (2013) reports that p alliative care model to help in caring for the dying people who are under care in living places. Therefore, it is essential for the health service providers to focus on eliminating the diseases that lead to different health issues among the aged persons. The design helps in improving the value of life and dying of people through the application of holistic together with developed model for reducing cases of deaths among aged persons. Conception of palliative process towards caring for the dying persons residing in the team for caring for elderly persons The method of palliative is vital among dying people to incase residents found in private places are in the final period before their deaths. A Proper review was advantageous as it aids towards reaching of the appropriate protection idea (Cheung et al., 2016). Different goals of every choice made must focus on the emotion of resident, physical, as well as comfort and support among the families of the patients in the residential aged care facility (Dempers Gott, 2016). Careful attention is significant in the identification of various characters in the installation of health assists the people to improve their provision and model of palliative care to improve the quality of lives for the resident within the facility. The operations of health professionals within the residential aged care facility can include different activities such as the provision of information in the practical approach. The provision can be achievable by having the intelligence of collaboration with individuals a nd with their relatives (Wilkinson Fullerton, 2012). Therefore, palliative care within the residential aged care should be the gold standard for every patient with life-threatening illness and progressive illness. Health professionals need to focus on the interdisciplinary approach that attends to psychological concerns of planning for advance care and management of symptoms (Pearson et al., 2016). In summary, palliative approach to the end of life has to make the specified aspect of the palliative care to be available to patients together with their relatives appropriate times throughout the trajectory of illness. The trajectory of disease among patients makes the process of identification of the terminal phase to remain robust. From Fernandos (2012) research, identification process for the illness is hallmark by the increasingly frequent infections, impairment, and disability. The identification process is vital for different reasons. Some of the reasons include for planning for effective care, to prepare the family, and make careers for the end of life while developing provision for adequate terminal care. The timely support for carers in the residential aged care is vital (Gaskin et al., 2012). It leads to the provision of support that forms a respite care, financial benefits, and support through the provision of information and education. According to the report by Hamilton Menezes (2011), identification of the scenarios when the patient in residential aged care is concentrating on the different health states that help health providers in elderly care groups to offer adequate consultation along with protection. The development of such resolution is a strong concern because it consists of few indications that facilitate the process of identifying in case patient belongs to the deadly foundation of the illness. However, there is difficulty in appropriate recognition of health issues in the process in case the occupiers contain distinct measures of commonness in their actions (Jane, 2013). The challenge in the identification leads to the need for the team concern with caring for elderly patients to recognize the important function of the healthcare caregivers to relatives of patients. In conclusion, the medical team has to use and value the options made by residents in the aged care facilities and their parents concerning treatment model. Executing palliative technique in performance of older adults within the residential for protecting elderly persons The implementation of any option that a health care practitioner employed to work in residential aged care should base on diverse knowledge on how to better lives of patients and their relatives. The choice of the ideal method to implement on palliative approach should look at different factors rather than only on medical stage or analysis of an individual (Mills Mills, 2016). The management team in the provision of palliative care must have an adequate understanding of various changes that can be essential in the delivery of care to the aging population around the communities. The medical group should be in a position to focus on the development of transitional processes along with the decisions of patients in the residential aged care, and their relatives can follow to make a recovery and care processes to be easier. Implementation of palliative methods supports the combination of active treatment that aids in managing painful symptoms while remaining to follow the palliative appr oach (Hardy Currow, 2012). Correct recognition of different processes of implementation provides the needed chance that helps medical practitioners to create supportive activities for patients and their relatives. However, people within the residential aged care might not be capable or have the enthusiasm to decide upon the action they can take for the provision of care for the elderly persons in the society (Dembers Gott, 2016). The collaboration of patients and their relatives aid in getting appropriate skills on the approach to embrace in implementing a palliative model to use in service provision. McCormick (2013) summarizes his ideas by reporting that planning for advanced care forms an essential idea for the formation of the ideal model of palliative technique focusing on the structure in palliative style. Disadvantages of palliative concern approach The palliative care approach within the residential aged care offer clear, measurable benefits for patients, their relatives, and the health system yet there are several challenges in adopting advanced care directives. Some of the disadvantages include the capacity of primary care practitioners (Kerr, 2013). Several primary care practitioners lack advanced training in palliative approach. The essential challenge is the provision of education and support in the palliative care model (Wilkinson Fullerton, 2012). The basic concern decrees focus on allowing individuals to create programs for prospect health care. The attitudes of clinicians and reluctance of patients also form another disadvantage of the model. Hudson (2011) reported that the clinicians who are focusing on treating patients might not be ready to incorporate the palliative care approach or referring patients to providers of palliative care. As reported by Mills Mills (2016), patients might sometimes resist or reject the offer of the palliative care approach. The plan assists in cheering seniors to imitate on what is necessary for relation to their standards, attitudes, targets, and penchants in wellbeing. Another challenge that can face palliative care is the family disagreements as people may disagree with the care plan for their relative or they might refuse to honor the preference of an individual. Advanced directives of attention and funding techniques for people in residential centers The basic model for healthcare guidelines for palliative safety within elderly housing security concentrates on supporting the sovereignty along with the distinction of individuals. An important factor that advances forecast provide improved superiority and care is person-center care. According to McGrath (2013), adequate funds during the planning of every project help in making implementation of different strategies to be achievable as per the schedule. Adequate funding makes the provision of quality and organized approaches for management of older adults who seek refuge in residential aged care. Different schemes of financing within the residential aged care are of great benefits because they focus on operations that concentrate on improving and meeting the daily demands of patients and their relatives (Gaskin et al., 20120. There is need to budget and determine different variables that the costs of actions of facilities for the provision of care among residential aged in most case s. The variable costs and its determination within residential elderly protection team rely on the perception of the people found within the facility (Jane, 2013). Models for funding within the residential aged care team rely on activities based on different models of financial. Most cases these financial models are like the ideas essential to improving the operations of health care sector. Therefore, there has to be a requisite for proper support along with an examination of analysis to show the anticipated advance model (Bates et al., 2014). In summary, design is essential in the determination of subsequent of costs required for operations within the facility that deal with the residential aged care. Advocating for a subdividing approach of categorization is essential where the health professionals take into task the requirements of every senior in considerable to combine several organizational activities. The application of mix models of payment in financial support would assist in the budgeting for all finances (Jane, 2013). The health care professionals have to set funds essential in different health plans basing ideas on the two essentials (Dempers Gott, 2016). The two keys comprise of fixed charges along with variable charges. The models used for funding towards aiding in improving activities in soothing care in the facility of caring for the old by maintaining the challenge from the sick persons and their relatives s (Sallnow et al., 2016). Regulation of appropriate funds needed for operation of residential aged care is terrible because no proper device can be applicable in regulating the present funds gathered in the contests within the facility of residential aged care. From the above ideas, appropriate resolution of set operational costs in places for caring for the aged relies on the people it hosts Conclusion The parties that concerns with the whole process of management of aged individuals in living areas need to have desirable, appropriate skills, and knowledge to improve their services provision. The elimination of any obstacle affecting incorporation or association of the average practitioner is necessary because it can help in ensuring the delivery of attention is of greater quality to the aged person together with their relatives. Therefore, palliative approach realization must concentrate on the stipulation of care in the series of organized manner that comprises of caring for aged at homesteads together with components of palliative concern. The operations of every health sector must follow procedures anchored in the provision of soothing concern within inhabited elderly care panel to help in supporting the suggestions for improving sanitary conditions of patients residential aged care and their relatives. References Arendts, G., Dickson, C., Howard, K., Quine, S. (2013). Transfer from residential aged care to emergency departments: an analysis of patient outcomes. Internal Medicine Journal, 42(1), 75-82. Bates, I., Boyd, A., Smith, H., Cole, D. (2014). 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